Jul 16, 20202 min readA Bit About MeAs a girl from the South and as the oldest of five children, I have always found family and personal connection important. I grew up in...
Jan 30, 20231 min readNC Commodities Conference Poster - 2023I presented the following at the 2023 North Carolina Commodities Conference in Durham, NC. Please feel free to reach out to me with any...
Jul 15, 20222 min readMAT - Secondary ScienceFor all of the past school year, I student taught at Jordan High School in Durham, NC. My mentor teacher is the only Physics teacher at...
Jul 15, 20221 min readRET Poster and Lesson PlansNano Lesson Plan 1: Size and Scale https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c7tPyuLNNgb0sXGXoBzHPZWZsWzTubIS4eeeyQWXL-w/edit?usp=sharing Nano...
Apr 25, 20211 min readSustainability Studies Senior CapstoneAlong with two classmates, I spent this spring researching the racial and economic disparities in Lee County, home of Auburn University....
Apr 25, 20211 min readSenior Design: Parkerson Mill Creek Litter TrapEach Biosystems Engineering student lives his or her first three years at Auburn University in anticipation of "Senior Design." Finally,...
Nov 22, 20192 min readCSES 5000 Soils and Environmental QualitySoils and Environmental Quality was my favorite class in the fall of 2019 because it exposed the intersection of science, engineering,...
Nov 22, 20192 min readBSEN 3310 Fluid MechanicsAs an engineering student, my mind has often wandered to phenomena that occur without a seemingly reasonable explanation. Throughout...
Aug 9, 20192 min readNATR 2050 People and the EnvironmentDisclaimer: I took this course over a five week period in Barcelona, so I am destined to be biased toward the content. People and the...
Apr 26, 20191 min readBSEN 2240 Biological Heat and Mass TransferThis course took my knowledge of thermodynamics, combined it with my experience with differential equations, and gave them new meaning...